Totally geodesic submanifolds in Hopf-Berger spheres, Workshop on Submanifolds and differential equations in geometry, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 2nd June 2022.
Totally geodesic submanifolds in products of rank one symmetric spaces, Workshop on Manifolds with Symmetries, Universität Stuttgart (Germany), 28th March 2022.
Cohomogeneity one actions on quaternionic hyperbolic spaces, 4th Geometric Analysis Festival, online conference, 28th October 2021.
Totally geodesic submanifolds and Kähler angle in symmetric spaces, Symmetry and shape 2021, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 15th-18th June 2021.
Isoparametricity and isospectrality of the shape operator, Conference of Young Researchers RSME, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló (Spain), 30th January 2020.
Subvariedades totalmente geodesicas y esferas homogéneas, Geometría y sus aplicaciones,, Univ.~Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), 9th October 2024.
Positive Curvature and Totally Geodesic Submanifolds from a Symmetry Viewpoint, Geometry Seminar, Univ.~Libré de Bruxelles (Belgium), 7th October 2024.
Subvariedades totalmente xeodésicas en variedades nearly-Kähler e G2, Seminario Vidal Abascal, Univ. Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 23rd July 2024.
Symmetric spaces: Holonomy and Totally geodesic submanifolds, PG Forum, Lancaster University, (United Kingdom), 8th March 2021.
Homogeneous and inhomogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces in symmetric spaces, Junior Geometry Seminar KCL/UCL, University College London, (United Kingdom), 12th March 2020.
The Plateau problem with topology, Workshop on Geometric Analysis, IEMATH-GR, Universidad de Granada, (Spain), 5th December 2019.
Métricas trapalleiras en R3 (in Galician), Seminario de Iniciación á Investigación (Seminar of PhD students). Institute of Mathematics, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, (Spain), 18th September 2019.
Por que as pompas de xabón son redondas? (in Galician), Seminario de Iniciación á Investigación (Seminar of PhD students). Institute of Mathematics, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, (Spain), 20th September 2017.
Non-Hopf hypersurfaces with constant principal curvatures in complex projective space and complex hyperbolic space, Congreso Bienal de la RSME, UNICAN, Santander, (Spain), 4th February 2019.
Hypersurfaces with constant principal curvatures in complex hyperbolic spaces,
Encuentro de jóvenes topólogos, UAB, Barcelona, (Spain), 18th October 2018.