A short course in elliptic operator theory in global analysis

What every geometer and analyst should know about elliptic partial  differential operators on manifolds but was always afraid to ask

Peter B. Gilkey - Oregon

Martes, 9 de novembro de 2010 ás 16 horas na aula 10.

Martes, 23 de novembro de 2010 ás 16 horas na aula 8.

Martes, 30 de novembro de 2010 ás 16 horas na aula 8.

Xoves, 2 de decembro de 2010 ás 16 horas na aula 7.

Xoves, 9 de decembro de 2010 ás 16 horas na aula 7.


9 November: Basic elliptic operator theory (spectral theory, boundary conditions, Hodge theory, elliptic regularity, etc).

23 November: Heat  content asymptotics (short time heat expansions, Fourier analysis, naturality properties).

30 November: Heat  trace asymptotics and isospectral theory (asymptotic formulas, methods of computation, can you hear the shape of a drum?).

2 December:  Introduction to index theory - basic  elliptic complexes (De Rham, Signature, Dolbeault, Spin).

9 December: Heat trace  and index theory (Gauss-Bonnet, Hirzebruch Signature,  Riemann-Roch).


© Peter B. Gilkey.